How to get recover from Penguin 2.1 hit?


Is your website hit by Penguin2.1?

Do you want to recover from it?

 Ok, After Google Penguin 2.1 updated on 4th October 2013, everyone faces so many problems related to their SEO campaign because Penguin 2.1 affected 1% of search query of Google, which is on large scale. Lots of SEO people found highly dropped in their keyword’s ranking and now we all confuse about that what to do after Penguin 2.1 update?

Are you?

Ok do not worry we discuss all about that in this post

What should we do to improve our website ranks after penguin 2.1 hit?

  • Find out spam backlinks and remove it manually if you can and rest link disavows by using Google disavow tool.
  • Remove all unnatural links targeted to your website.
  • Try to use naked url for short time.
  • Use different Meta tags (Meta tile, Meta description, Meta keywords) for each pages of website.
  • When you do blog commenting always use your original name instead of fake name or keyword.
  • Try to build less backlinks but quality backlinks
  • How to find spammy links:
  1. Forum signature link with exact anchor text match.
  2. Blogs that do not add no-follow to the backlinks posted.
  3. If you have used spammy directories for website in the past     
  4. Blog comment spam

Hope this post helps you and recovers your website and take it to previous ranking status.

Introduction to SEO


SEO is acronym for search engine optimization and is a process to increase the visibility of a website among search engine. If you build a website and you do not have sufficient visitors on it then it is worthless. So, seo is best technique to increase visitors as well as visibility of a website among various search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, MSN etc.

Types of SEO:




OFF-PAGE SEO is a process separate from the website means we have to work on other website instead of our website. The OFF-PAGE seo is the process of link building, means we have to create backlinks for our website on other website. There are so many different kinds of techniques used to build backlinks for a website. Most popular and beneficial techniques used in current SEO scenario are:-

  • Social Bookmarking
  • Directory submission
  • Forum posting
  • Blog Posting
  • Article marketing
  • Blog Commenting


In ON-PAGE SEO, we have to work on website means some require changes on our website takes place in this process. In ON-PAGE SEO Meta tags and content of websites creates and required changes makes in this phase of SEO. Some various techniques and tools of ON-PAGE SEO are:-


  • Webmaster tool
  • Analytics tool
  • Meta tag
  • Robot.txt file
  • Canonicalization
  • Keyword research etc.

These all kinds of techniques are helps to improve our website’s traffic and visibilities among various search engines. Now day’s as per changing scenario of SEO environment we should have to maintain our work as acording to search engine want. we should change our techniques as updates are changes in search engines algorithm.

Wishing you a very happy Diwali



Light a lamp of love!

Blast a chain of sorrow!

Shoot a rocket of prosperity!

Fire a flowerpot of happiness!

Wish u and your family “SPARKLING DIWALI”!!

Diwali is very popular and holy festival of Hindus. It is also known as “Festival of Lights”. It is believed that god shree ram were returned to Ayodhya after spending 14yr of Exile after winning the war with Ravan.  On this occasion everybody do the Pooja of goddess laxmi and distribute sweets to each other. It is Festival of Festivals because it brings so much festival together like goverdhan pooja, bhaiyadooj etc. On this incredible celebration everybody celebrate this with Arranging large Number of Lamps in Row, Wearing new Clothes & Dress, sharing Sweets especially making for Diwali celebration, Buying fresh Stuff, Gifting some items to Family Member, do Pooja Goddess Laxmi, Burning Fireworks At Night, a few People rejoice with Wishing for Diwali By Messages, Scraps, Images, Photo, Tagging, Sending Greetings, Sms etc.


May the shimmering diyas

The crackiling fireworks

Sparkle up your life

With happiness

Have a mastiful dhamakedar diwali!!

“HAPPY DIWALI” to all of you may goddess laxmi bless you with joy and happiness in your life!!

Is PR really dead??


PR is very important factor for SEO guys. In fact, many of us do not know about page rank, if you are one of them then you do not have to worry because in this post we discus about PR from basics. In fact, many of us do not know about Page Rank, if you are one of them then you do not have to worry because in this post we will discuss about PR from the basic.

What is PR??

PR is short form of Page Rank which is widely used in SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is a process to increase visibility of our website among search engine and increase traffic. Page Rank is basically an algorithm used by the Google web search engine to rank websites in their search engine results. Page Rank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages. Page Rank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is as well as content of website.   

Is Google going to retire Page Rank??

Usually, Google updates page rank of all web pages indexed in Google’s database in every 3 to 4 months. But, in now days it is noticed that there is no any page rank update by Google since 4 February 2013, and Google’s web spam head matt cuts announced that this was last page rank update of 2013. So, it is assumed that now Google is prepared to retire Page rank. So, now Page rank is no more important as SEO point of view.

Google Introduce Penguin 2.1


Penguin 2.1 has publicly been released today. Google’s head of search spam Matt Cutts declared it on Twitter:

I saw symbols of this around 9am EDT this sunrise but did not see sufficient chatter to face it yet. I believe over the weekend the forums will light up. Some of the early on stats I saw on websites that got slap were huge.


Google Hummingbird Algorithm


Yes, It is quite interesting to hear that Google introduced his new search algorithm updation named as “Hummingbird”.  On his 15th Birthday 27 September, 2013 Google announce to update his search strategy with new algorithm hummingbird. The system it makes use to sort through all the data or information it has when you search your query & come back with reply. It’s name “Hummingbird”.

What is a “search algorithm”?

 “Search algorithm” refers to a strategy or technique used by search engines like Google, Bing etc. to make the answer for people’s query precise and user-friendly.

What is a “Hummingbird”?

It is the name of the latest search algorithm afer panda and penguin that Google to provide more proficient and precise search results for user’s query, & Google says should return better results.

Why it is named Hummingbird?

Google told that the name come from being “precise & fast.”